5 Things You're Not Doing That Will Make Your Ex Love You

Are you facing lots of problems trying to get your ex back? Have you tried the usual tips for getting your ex back but failed miserably in your mission of re-uniting with your loved one? Are you hunting for the best ways of getting your ex back? If yes, then your problems would soon be over. Here are 5 surefire ways to get your ex back in a simple yet effective manner:

1. Look Confident And Stay Calm

You have to understand that it is indeed your level of confidence that can actually help you in getting your lover back at warp speed. So, instead of appearing needy, you need to try and remain calm and give adequate space to your estranged lover. Quit begging your ex to come back to you and instead, allow him/her to be away for a while. While doing so, please do not forget to help him/her when he/she needs it the most. This would help instill confidence in the heart of your ex.

2. Give Space By Avoiding Instant Contact

The second way to get your estranged lover back is by avoiding calling or contacting him/her immediately after a break up. You are highly mistaken if you think that by calling your ex immediately after a break up, you would be able to resolve the issue. After a break up, there is no room for rational thoughts or conversations and hence you need to give yourself adequate time to organize your thoughts and think of a suitable strategy to win your ex back.

3. Mix With Friends

After a breakup, you often feel tempted to hide and you seldom leave your home and mix around with your friends. This is not at all right. In order to feel better and avoid thinking about your ex for a while, you need to try and mix around with your friends, so that you have a relaxed frame of mind, after which, you can easily strategize on how to win your ex back.

4. Do Not Snap At Your Ex

After a break up, you are often very angry and you want to get back at your ex. This is again a wrong strategy and needs to be avoided at all costs. You have to avoid saying wrong things to your ex and you also need to avoid making unrealistic demands. Instead, you need to stop threatening or abusing your ex and try to keep your mind open by putting aside your emotions. You also need to be willing to try and mend the ties by being rational in your approach. While this sounds sad and at times hard to accept, this is the only way to get your estranged lover into talking with you again.

5. You Need To Be A Go Getter

You need to have the ability to make your ex desire your lack of presence in the first place. You need to rekindle your love by reminding her/him of all the good things you did and all the nice details you shared when you were together. You may also try and ask your mutual friends to try and influence your ex into talking to you back again. Try and mix with people of the opposite gender. This is a tried and tested trick which would force your ex to pay more attention to you.

Get Your Ex Back - How to Contact After a Break Up

5 Foolproof Ways to Reignite the Spark With Your Ex, Even After the Messiest Breakup Ever

If you are in a relationship you will know at there are times when they can be fragile and you both need to work on the relationship to keep it fresh, loving and healthy.

We all know that some relationships break up and when this happens it can be devastating on both sides of the relationship, frustration and heartbreak sets in and all we want to know is how to get your Ex back fast. We suffer all kinds of emotions during a break up and at some point we will want to get back at our partners but this is not the best way to move forward and you will certainly not get your ex back fast in your pursue this course.

One of the most influential ways that you can actually get back at your ex will not only put your ex in an interesting predicament, but it may also repair the relationship by showing your ex how important you are and were to them. So not only are these 5 tips to get back at your ex but they are also excellent methods for getting your ex back as well. Here are five things that you can do to help get your Ex back fast.

1 - You must be strong and believe in yourself

You must avoid being needy and clingy this will not help get your Ex back fast it will only serve to push them further away. We never want our Ex to think we are desperate; we want them to think we are coping well and getting on with our lives just fine.

2 - Cut down the communication. You may think that cutting off communication will leave your Ex thinking that you no longer care or love them. This is not true it will actually have the opposite effect and as they say absence makes the heart grow fonder. This will really help you to get your Ex back fast. What you are trying to achieve here is to let your Ex stew for a while without any contact from you, if you do this your Ex will come to realise just how much they miss you and want you back in their life.

3- You want to be as reasonable and flexible as you can be, never demand they move out of the house or pick their belongings up by a certain date, this will cause bad feelings and will work against you long term. When you do see your Ex make sure you listen to what they have to say, be sympathetic, your Ex will be surprised at your attitude and this will remind them of the goods times you had together and they will want that back. This is definitely one of the best ways to get your ex back fast, and should be done before you try to contact your ex after a breakup.

4- You need to get out in to the big wide world, this is no time for staying in and feeling sorry for yourself, you may have to force yourself to do this but like we have said you want you're ex to think you are getting on with your life and not lazing around the house. Make sure you keep in contact with your friends, go out with them and enjoy yourself. There will be a good chance that one of your friends will see your Ex and tell them just how well you are doing, this is a great way to get your Ex wanting to see you and you will have a great chance to get your Ex back fast. Remember you do not have to date anybody or pay attention to the opposite sex you are simply getting out there and enjoying yourself, trust me this will get back to your Ex.

5 - Just be yourself. When you and your Ex got together in the first place it was because they seen something in you that they liked, now it's time to be you again and this will draw them back to you again and will help you get your ex back fast. Just let things take their natural course, be yourself, get out and about and your Ex will be back with you sooner than you think.