Breakups are tough, but making up doesn't need to be.
There are several tips on getting your ex boyfriend back that can turn the period following a breakup from a messy, heartbreaking time into time spent rebuilding your relationship.
There aren't any magic words that can bring a man running back to you,but there are some simple facts about the psychology of breaking up that every woman should know.
Fact 1) Everyone wants what they can't have.
One thing a man doesn't realize when he breaks up with a woman is that he just increased how desirable she is to him... as long as she plays her cards right.
People want what they can't get.
So, after a man breaks up with you, you can change that into increased desirability simply by turning the tables on him.
Tip: If you seem relaxed, happy, and ready to move on right after a breakup (even if it isn't true), you'll leave your ex wondering, and wanting you more.
Fact 2) The time when you want your ex back the most is the worst time to try to pursue them.
Right after a breakup, emotions run high.
He's hurt and upset (even if he did the breaking up), you're hurt and upset, and chances are, all you want is for everything to go back to the way it was before the breakup.
This is the time when you're the most desperate for him, but it's also the time when you're most likely to ruin your chances of getting him.
Tip: If you back away from him right after a breakup and don't initiate contact again, you'll lessen the chances that you'll say or do the wrong thing in your emotional state, and give both of you a chance to calm down.
Fact 3) Changing something about yourself, no matter how minor, will add to your appeal.
One of the reasons people break up is that things become routine.
When someone doesn't hold any more surprises for you, it's easy for them to lose their appeal.
A lot of tips on getting your ex boyfriend back neglect to mention how powerful one minor change can be.
Anything that changes about you after a breakup will be surprising and mysterious to your ex, and will make him want to know more.
Tip: If you've abandoned any interests you used to have early on in your relationship, now is the perfect time to rekindle your interest in them.
You'll have something to occupy your time, your ex will be intrigued, and you'll be reminding them of the woman they were originally attracted to, all in one fell swoop.
Fact 4) Desperation is never, ever appealing.
Since people want what they can't have, it stands to reason that they are turned off by low-hanging fruit.
No matter how badly you want your ex back, don't let them know that. Maintain your dignity, and avoid looking desperate, no matter what.
Tip: Don't contact your ex for the time following your breakup.
Avoiding contact is one of the most important tips on getting your ex boyfriend back, since it helps you avoid desperation, and makes your ex want you more.